Strictly No Heroics - B.L.Radley (Hardcover)



Read this book if you like snarky main characters, love sapphic romance, hate capitalism, and enjoy a good grey-area morality.

The story follows Riley Jones, who is just trying to survive the summer with enough money to go to therapy, help her sister get a new prosthetic leg, and help out her sister’s dad with the bills. When a run in with a jackass super gets her fired from her summer job with her bestie, she is looking for work anywhere she can. And that’s when she sees the flyer for Hench — they hire anyone, it’s kinda their thing.

So she ends up in a holographic green rubber uniform, toting a stun gun with orders to miss every shot. Her team consists of a bad ass Rosa Diaz type who didn’t exactly follow the “miss every shot” rule, an octogenarian veteran, a super-fanboy (*insert eye roll here), and The Captain (he will not be giving out real names or showing his face ever, anonymity is key). Her captain likes to play at being aloof, but he also doesn’t hesitate to take them to his medically trained husband to get patched up after a rough job.

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